This reprint of Stairway to Heaven (1946), also known as A Matter of Life and Death, represents one of the most imaginative films of the 1940s. Directed by Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger, the film follows a British WWII pilot who survives a plane crash and must plead for his life in a celestial court. The poster art highlights the film's dreamlike quality, blending the earthly with the metaphysical in a unique visual style. A captivating piece for lovers of classic cinema and fantasy.
Giclée Print Quality Our Giclée printing technology imparts an incredible level of detail to our Movie Poster Reprints, ensuring bright and clear colors.
On Art Paper Utilizing 230gsm enhanced matte art paper, we guarantee superior quality with precise details and vibrant color depth.
Ships Within 3 Days Your order will be shipped within 3 working days, ensuring a swift delivery.
Easy Returns & Refund You can return any item within 30 days for refund or exchange, refer to our policy here.
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